DIGIC 6 Register Map:

LV peaking (Highlights / zebra)

Address Output Type Controls what?
0xD2010510 HDMI zebra enable / disable
0xD2010670 HDMI overexpo threshold and style
0xD2010674 HDMI overexpo color
0xD2010678 HDMI underexpo threshold and style
0xD201067c HDMI underexpo color
0xD2013810 LCD/EVF zebra enable / disable
0xD2013970 LCD/EVF overexpo threshold and style
0xD2013974 LCD/EVF overexpo color
0xD2013978 LCD/EVF underexpo threshold and style
0xD201397C LCD/EVF underexpo color

Registers used by DispVram State object to control overexposure highlighting feature.

Note on directly writing the registers

Some models overwrite register values with ones stored in memory. For example, 750D.110 does that for enable register, 200D.101 overwrites both enable and style regs, EOS R does that only for HDMI enable register (see Digic 8 Registers). Reason is not yet known, but in those cases one needs to update in-ram value instead of given register directly.

Enable register

reg & 0x10000000 controls if highlight is enabled or not.

Threshold / style register

**** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
*... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... visibility (on/off)
.... .... *... .... .... .... .... .... stripes angle (45 / -45 deg)
.... .... .*.. .... .... .... .... .... stripes move speed (0-1)
.... .... ..** .... .... .... .... .... stripes style
.... .... .... .*** .... .... .... .... stripes opacity
.... .... .... .... **** **** .... .... threshold (underexpo)
.... .... .... .... .... .... **** **** threshold (overexpo)
Field Range Description
visibility 0,1 zebra visibility (do not confuse with Enable register)
angle 0-1 0: 45 deg, 1: -45 deg
speed 0-1 lines/dots are moving slower → faster
style 0-3 0: light dots, 1: thin lines, 2: thick lines, 3 = 0
opacity 0-7 very opaque → solid color
underexpo_th 0-255 Threshold on undexexpo register, ignored on overexpo
overexpo_th 0-255 Threshold on overexpo register, ignored on underexpo

Color register

Controls color of highlight overlays. ??YYUUVV format. Canon code defaults to black (00008080)