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DIGIC 8 Register Map:


Controls physical UART connection.

Address Description

UART is connected to physical ICU UART on external debug connector. Handled by uart_change command on drysh.

0x0 selects ICU (DryOS on ARM core), 0x2 for CCLIME (DryOS on Xtensa core, network).


Address Description
0xD030422C ??
0xD0304230 VRAM pointer
0xD0304234 VRAM pitch
0xD0304238 Resolution
0xD030423C ??

LV peaking (Highlights / zebra)

Address Output Type Controls what?
0xD0300520 HDMI overexpo enable / disable
0xD0300550 HDMI underexpo enable / disable
0xD0300750 HDMI overexpo threshold and style
0xD0300754 HDMI overexpo color
0xD0300758 HDMI underexpo threshold and style
0xD030075C HDMI underexpo color
0xD0304220 LCD/EVF overexpo enable / disable
0xD0304250 LCD/EVF underexpo enable / disable
0xD0304488 LCD/EVF overexpo threshold and style
0xD030448C LCD/EVF overexpo color
0xD0304490 LCD/EVF underexpo threshold and style
0xD0304494 LCD/EVF underexpo color

Registers used by DispVram State object to control overexposure highlighting feature.

HDMI registers don't work as for now. Threshold/color registers accepts values as expected. Enable/disable is ignored.

When observed in Play menu (with stock overexpo warning enabled), enable register changes as expected. So there's a piece of puzzle still missing.

Code suggests there are more registers:

Output Reg Addresses Range
HDMI(?) Enable 0xD0300520 + 0x30 * n n∈⟨0,7⟩
HDMI(?) Threshold 0xD0300750 + 0x8 * n n∈⟨0,5⟩
HDMI(?) Color 0xD0300754 + 0x8 * n n∈⟨0,5⟩
LCD(?) Enable 0xD0304220 + 0x30 * n n∈⟨0,7⟩
LCD(?) Threshold 0xD0304488 + 0x8 * n n∈⟨0,5⟩
LCD(?) Color 0xD030448C + 0x8 * n n∈⟨0,5⟩

For n > 1 there's no visible difference.

For n > 1 Threshold registers accept both thresholds at the same time, but since those have no observed effects on displayed image - meaning is unknown.

Enable register

reg & 0x100 controls if highlight is enabled or not.

Value written should be masked 0x100 with one read from reg + 0x2000

Threshold / style register

**** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
*... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... visibility (on/off)
..** .... .... .... .... .... .... .... stripes move speed (0-3)
.... ...* .... .... .... .... .... .... stripes angle (45 / -45 deg)
.... .... ..** .... .... .... .... .... stripes style
.... .... .... .*** .... .... .... .... stripes opacity
.... .... .... .... **** **** .... .... threshold (underexpo)
.... .... .... .... .... .... **** **** threshold (overexpo)

Value written should be masked 0xB137FFFF with one read from reg + 0x2000

Field Range Description
visibility 0,1 zebra visibility (do not confuse with Enable register)
speed 0-3 lines/dots are moving slower → faster
angle 0-1 0: 45 deg, 1: -45 deg
style 0-2 0: light dots, 1: thin lines, 2: thick lines
opacity 0-7 very opaque → solid color
underexpo_th 0-255 Threshold on undexexpo register, ignored on overexpo
overexpo_th 0-255 Threshold on overexpo register, ignored on underexpo

Color register

Controls color of highlight overlays. ??YYUUVV format. Canon code defaults to black (00008080)


Address Description
0xD800021D Left Microphone Level and Peak
0xD8000220 Right Microphone Level and Peak
digic8/registers.1645365226.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/20 14:53 by kitor