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Magic Lantern's Haunted House of Cards

Incompatible cards

Do not try to use this cards/adapters with ML:

First EyeFi generation

They won't work at all. ML's process of checking for a bootable card is incompatible with EyeFi-firmware (yes, your EyeFi-card has its own firmware). If you want to use first-gen EyeFi with a camera with ML bootflag set: Nope, it wont work at all. You have to uninstall (=remove cam's bootflag) before using such cards.
All other WiFi cards will work just fine!

SD-to-CF adapters

Frequent issue: Trying to make an SD-card work in a CF-card slot by inserting card into an adapter. Frankly, most adapters are just crap. There are some adapters able to work with ML's method of checking for a bootable card. But most will just get your cam stalled. It is strongly recommended not to use SD-to-CF adapters with Magic Lantern. ML project does not support it and in case of failure you won't get any support.
There is no issue on ML's side using microSD-to-SD adapters.

hoc.1608499315.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/12/20 22:21 by Walter Schulz